Reach Enlightenment
While You Sleep

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New Practices for
‍‍‍‍‍Health and Clarity

Growing up on the internet can be confusing and traumatic.
Luke Geruson made this website to help people make
sense of this world by revealing ancient wisdom.

Meditation is the
Movement of Love

Meditation and Breathwork help us shift into peace and dissolve the ego. Everything is created by mind. If we can purify our mind we can create a beautiful world.

Fun Buddhism
‍‍Trading Cards

I made these trading cards to make Buddhism fun. Each card explains a word from the Buddhist glossary.  You can print them out on special paper or download.  

Coaching your
Mind and Body

Only few people access the full intelligence of the body. Practices such as Fitness, Yoga, Meditation teach us how to integrate all aspects of being into one cohesive whole.

Purify the Mind
With Sleep Yoga

The nervous system regulates our physical experience of reality. Modalities such as Sleep yoga, Nature, and therapy  can help release what no longer serves us.

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